If you believe we went to the Moon, then you are in a very small majority, as well as making yourself look a fool amongst the media majority. Even people, who have not studied any evidence, I believe that we need most evidence in my case I think is not true because: The moon landings. There has been a bit of controversy lately about whether or not NASA actually went to the moon or not in 1969 and the 70's. It occasionally rears its head whenever some broadcaster runs out of show ideas, and decides to bug NASA with this.
I think it's totally bollocks, there is no doubt in my mind, at all, that the Apollo missions where real!
Most of what you read about on the internet and see on those TV shows is so lacking in actual scientific fact that it is laughable. The way it is presented, and if you really don't know a Newton from a meter, then it may confuse you.
I'm not going to sit and debunk all the stupid ideas people have come up with, that apparently prove the landing were fake. But I will mention the one problem most have. That is, they are trying to apply what happens on earth to what happens on the moon! This is why, I think, so many people are fooled by what they say, because people know how items react on earth, and being told that it didn't do the same thing on the moon, seems to make sense.
What do you think?